V gozdu (text Oton Župančič) for youth choir (1998)

…glitzert, flimmert, vergeht… (text Hermann Hesse) for soprano and ensemble (2010)

My letters (text Elisabeth Barrett Browning) for mezzo and piano (2012, revised in 2022)

ART (text Clara Schumann) for soprano and horn (2012)

In the Absence (text: Erwin Wurm) for soprano and ensemble (2013)

ART II (text Clara Schumann) for soprano and trombone (2016)

To Hold Eternity (text: William Blake) for two choirs and two chamber groups (2022/2023)

Immortali Glorie for mixed choir (2022)

Auguries of Innocence for soprano and accordion (2022)






V gozdu (text Oton Župančič) for youth choir (1998)
Duration: 2′
First performance: Zagorje, Slovenia, 1998

…glitzert, flimmert, vergeht… for soprano and ensemble (2010)
Text: Hermann Hesse
Instrumentation: sopran solo, 2fl, ob, 2cl, asax, fg, cor, perc, kokle (arp), pf, acc, vl,vlc
Duration: 17′
First performance: Festival Slowind, 12.10.2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Monica Jordan – soprano, Simon Krečič – conductor
Ensembles Slowind, Aleph, Altera Veritas

My letters for mezzo and piano
Instrumentation: Mzs, pf
Duration: 20′
First performance: Impuls Romantik, Alte Oper, Frankfurt, September 2012
Jenny Carlstedt – mezzo, Emanuele Torquati – piano

ART for soprano and horn
Instrumentation: S, cor
Duration: 9′
First performance: Festival Slowind, October 2012
Marisol Montalvo – soprano, Saar Berger – horn

In the Absence (text: Erwin Wurm) for soprano and ensemble (2013)
Instrumentation: S, fl, ob, cl, fg, cor, tr, trbn, 2 perc, pf –
Duration: 11 Minutes
First performance: Salzburger Festspiele, 24.8.2013
Mojca Erdmann -soprano, Scharoun Ensemble, Matthias Pintscher – conductor

ART II (text Clara Schumann) for soprano and trombone (2016)
Instrumentation: S, trbn
Duration: 8 Minutes
First performance: Concert Atelier DSS, Ljubljana, 7.9.2016
Maria Pönicke – sopran, Domen Gantar – trombone